Organize catalog content

This topic provides instructions for how to create namespaces and tables for an internal catalog in Snowflake Open Catalog.


If you drop a table in Snowflake Open Catalog without purging it, don’t create a new table with the same name and location as the dropped table. If you do, a user could gain access to the original table’s data when they shouldn’t have permission to access it. For example, if you drop but don’t purge Table1 where its storage directory location is /MyCatalog/Schema1/Table1, don’t create a new Table1 within the same Table1 storage directory. When you drop a table without purging it, its data is retained in the external cloud storage.


To ensure that the access privileges defined for a catalog are enforced correctly, the following conditions must be met:

  • A directory only contains the data files that belong to a single table.

  • A directory hierarchy matches the namespace hierarchy for the catalog.

For example, if a catalog includes the following items:

  • Top-level namespace namespace1

  • Nested namespace namespace1a

  • A customers table grouped under nested namespace namespace1a

  • An orders table grouped under nested namespace namespace1a

The directory hierarchy for the catalog must be:

  • /namespace1/namespace1a/customers/<files for the customers table *only*>

  • /namespace1/namespace1a/orders/<files for the orders table *only*>

These conditions apply to both internal and external catalogs, including external catalogs that contain Snowflake-managed Apache Iceberg™ tables. When you create a table in an internal catalog, Open Catalog prohibits you from creating the table within the directory or subdirectory for an existing table. When you create Snowflake-managed Iceberg tables in an external catalog, Open Catalog doesn’t prohibit overlapping directory locations. Therefore, when you create these tables, use the BASE_LOCATION parameter to specify a unique parent directory for each table. For more information, see CREATE ICEBERG TABLE (Snowflake as the Iceberg catalog).

For more information about internal and external catalogs, see Catalog types.

Organizing catalog content

A catalog admin can use Open Catalog or a third-party query engine to organize catalog content as follows:




  • Open Catalog
  • Third-party query engine


Third-party query engine


The tables and namespaces for an external catalog are read-only in Open Catalog. If you need to organize catalog content for an external catalog, you must use Snowflake. For more information, see Snowflake-managed Apache Iceberg™ tables.

The example code in this topic shows how to use Apache Spark to organize catalog content. The example code is in PySpark.

Create a namespace

This section provides instructions for creating top-level or nested namespaces.


When you create a namespace, don’t use periods or spaces in the namespace name.

Create a top-level namespace

To create a top-level namespace, you can use Apache Spark or Open Catalog.

Example: Create a top-level namespace by using Apache Spark

The following example code creates a top-level namespace named namespace1 in the catalog catalog1:

spark.sql("use catalog1").show()
spark.sql("CREATE NAMESPACE namespace1")

Create a top-level namespace by using Open Catalog

  1. Sign in to Open Catalog.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Catalogs.

  3. From the list of catalogs, select the catalog where you want to create a top-level namespace.

  4. Select + Namespace.

  5. For Name, enter a name for the namespace, and then select Submit.

Create a nested namespace

To create a nested namespace, you can use Apache Spark or Open Catalog.

Example: Create a nested namespace by using Apache Spark

The following example code creates a nested namespace named namespace1a in the catalog catalog1. This nested namespace is created under the existing top-level namespace namespace1:

spark.sql("use catalog1").show()
spark.sql("CREATE NAMESPACE namespace1.namespace1a")

Create a nested namespace by using Open Catalog

  1. Sign in to Open Catalog.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Catalogs.

  3. From the list of catalogs, select the catalog where you want to create a nested namespace.

  4. On the Namespaces tab, navigate to the parent namespace where you want to create the nested namespace.

  5. Select + Namespace.

  6. For Name, enter a name for the nested namespace, and then select Submit.

Create a table

This section provides examples for creating tables by using Apache Spark.


If you drop a table in Snowflake Open Catalog without purging it, don’t create a new table with the same name and location as the dropped table. If you do, a user could gain access to the original table’s data when they shouldn’t have permission to access it. For example, if you drop but don’t purge Table1 where its storage directory location is /MyCatalog/Schema1/Table1, don’t create a new Table1 within the same Table1 storage directory. When you drop a table without purging it, its data is retained in the external cloud storage.

Example: Create a table

The following example code creates a customers table under nested namespace namespace1a in the catalog catalog1. It is created with id and custnum columns, and the data type for both columns is integer:

spark.sql("use catalog1").show()
spark.sql ("use namespace1.namespace1a")
spark.sql("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE customers (id int, custnum int) using iceberg")

Example: Insert rows into a table

The following example code inserts a row into the customers table:

spark.sql("use catalog1").show()
spark.sql ("use namespace1.namespace1a")
spark.sql("INSERT INTO customers VALUES (123,456)")
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