Configure service account authentication for Google Cloud

The Snowflake connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data is subject to the Connector Terms.


To provide the service account file, you must first create a Google Cloud project. For information about creating Google Cloud projects, see the Google Cloud documentation.

Create a service account key

  1. To open the service account creator, in your Google Cloud project, select APIs & Services » Credentials.

  2. Select Create credentials » service account.

  3. In the Service account details enter any service account name you choose.

  4. To create the service account, select Done.

  5. To manage the new service account, in the Credentials section, select the service account name.

  6. Select Keys » Add key » Create a new key.

  7. To save the service account key file, in the key type selection view, select the recommended JSON type, and then select Create.

    This file is needed during the connector configuration.

Formatting the service account key

The service account key you downloaded in the previous procedure can be used to automatically complete the form when configuring the connector, using the drag-and-drop functionality in the configuration wizard.

If the private key is entered manually, it must be properly formatted first.

Example service account key in JSON format:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "your-project-id0809",
  "private_key_id": "7a7df777f88...f7f7s8d7f7s",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADC9ON1OA4JjRidj\n/7O5Ioq+L2112946/CsXsfiHFwIQQedWt\nQ75sl7M5lHTsVQtIdtBcGJXvk5/7CHOmtkn6w\n2dRoyCWv2bknmogZIy3fssMolwVaZ15cmsuB0\nwTI81dojSVwrzPshiYY9lfugdVZ2uiFcw4haWo8o\nUhg2tHOWyveoFN2RF03kUfdnEfhAAmXKZai\nWkd49r+jAgMBAAECggEAIP/5TIE9LJ4QAZcXG2sEQl7GldrQho0nuAOVkEtzQsuP\ndmgbFYU39qinuLc83GF/Ghr3PdswzQTKeKCvZZXhQ4FpYk9VhyQr6iTKv6bBD8du\nMrF2LKknax1eCFG81o0A+zOvo\npMrJl/9EOOVJKnifhH7kdS/JRqHXEzQUGkpOWSs6ep7MGN4+vLv+GlZqIIgEGwmW\nJN/72+5bLiaL9T7If1+/T/sa\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "2345345634546456",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "",
  "universe_domain": ""

For the private key, only the text between —–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—– and —–END PRIVATE KEY—– is relevant.

To transform a private key to the format acceptable by the connector, follow this procedure:

  1. In a text editor, open the key downloaded in the previous procedure.

  2. Copy the content of the private_key field.

  3. Delete both the —–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—– and —–END PRIVATE KEY—– markers.

  4. Delete all \n (newline) characters from the file. A key usually contains at least 10 occurrences.

  5. Save the file for later use.

After edits, your key should resemble this code:


Grant the service account access to Google Analytics

The service account requires access to all Google Analytics properties that the connector will use.

  1. In the Google Analytics console, choose a property that will be used by the connector.

  2. Select the Property access management tab.

  3. Add the service account email as a Viewer.

  4. Repeat this process for all properties that will be used in the connector.

Language: English